485 Days... Amanda Bartels
Name: Amanda Bartels
Age: 52
City: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Occupation: Copywriter
What first introduced me to Sarah Palin: Vice Presidential nomination speech
My name is Amanda Bartels and I’m an Australian. I can’t vote for Sarah Palin, nor can I donate to her cause, but I support her candidacy for President because her influence on world events and partnerships with America’s allies will shape the world to come, and the world my children will inherit. Just look at the damage done by the Obama Administration to the standing of the USA internationally, exemplified by the disaster wreaked by the anti-Israeli policies of the current White House.
As a proud, conservative Australian, I support Sarah Palin as a candidate for President. I admire her tremendous courage, her honesty, her sense of responsibility and duty, her unabashed patriotism, and her ferocious tenacity in holding on to her values and causes she fights for. As America’s President, Sarah Palin will rebuild ties to America’s allies that the Obama administration has damaged, such as Britain and Israel. Palin will strengthen America’s relationship with countries such as India, China and Australia, and forge new partnerships with these countries and others. Palin is a builder, not a destroyer. She believes in doing the best you can on every level, not settling for mediocrity, and not flirting with corruption. She is fiercely anti-corrupt in a way we don’t normally see in a politician.
President Palin will be good for America, and good for the world. She is American, but she also belongs to everyone around the world who believes in self-reliance, responsibility and hard work. Her values resonate with people in every nation. That’s why my boots are on the ground too here in Oz, and why I am proud to tell my friends and other people I meet in my country, that I am a Palin supporter.